4 June 2015

Albums recommandés

Backatown- Trombone Shorty

New Orleans jazz.

My ear has always been more soulful than instrumental, but I generally look for something allying the two. Here, however, Trombone Shorty doesn't mix the two as often as he separates them. Result: 'tis a good listening but not one that requires you listen attentively; by contrast, his concerts are ten times better. There's too much of a dissidence between the slightly repetitive instrumental tracks which render his live shows so powerful and the more neo-soul songs; the album doesn't always work well as a whole, though each singular track has something to offer. "Neph", "Fallin'" "928 Horn jam", "In the 6th" and "One night only" come close to match the power of "Something beautiful" and it's telling that the best track is a sung one. That being said, you've gotta like the trombone here, otherwise you're in for an artistic nightmare...


  1. I couldn't agree more ^^

    1. That's right and I remember that's exactly what you said the first time we spoke of it and I was less decided. But now, as you see, I've joined your ranks... You inspired me, my little Annie!
